Luka Boršić wasn’t kidnapped by the Caribbean pirates and marooned on an island without a name. He was also not abducted by aliens and used for experiments. But nevertheless there are some things he’s done in his life which might be worth mentioning. He loves music and thus renounced an opportunity to become a professional musician out of fear he might lose this love. He has also renounced an opportunity to become an engineer, a decision causing a lot of worries to his parents. Instead, he decided to go, first, for ancient languages and then philosophy. The academic vagabondage brought him high up in the Alps, in a country in which there are more cows than humans and more banks than cows. There he obtained a PhD degree in philosophy from the Internationale Akademie für Philosophy im Fürstentum Liechtenstein. The thesis was on Socratic irony and in essence more philological than philosophical, which reflects his teetering between philology and philosophy.
After his return to Croatia, he got employed at the Institute of Philosophy where he completed his second PhD, this time really in philosophy. The topic was on the emergence of modern science out of the Renaissance critique of Aristotle. He defended the idea that the emergence of modern science is, in the first place, not a product of an apple that fell on Newton’s head or Galileo watching the sky, but of some not so famous guys writing against Aristotle. This has led him into a more than a decade long research on Francesco Patrizi.
Some five or six years ago, a felicitous event – a random finding in an antique bookstore in Vienna – resulted in his ever-growing interest for women philosophers. The passion for discovering new and further analyzing already known women philosophers resulted in getting a project financed by the Croatian Science Foundation: “Croatian women philosophers in the European context”. The “Research Centre for Women in Philosophy”, which is the organizer of the present conference, is a child of this project.
Luka Boršić’s almost complete bibliography can be found at this site.