Ana Dimishkovska (born 1971) is a Professor at the Institute of Philosophy within the Faculty of Philosophy, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, where she obtained her M.A. and Ph.D degrees. Dr. Dimishkovska currently teaches courses in Symbolic Logic, History of Logic, Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Law. Her main areas of interest are history of logic, argumentation theory and legal reasoning. She is Vice-President of the Philosophical Society of Macedonia.
Her main academic publications include three books – Прагматиката и теоријата на аргументацијата, Скопје, Ѓурѓа, 2001 [Pragmatics and Argumentation Theory, Skopje, Gjurgja, 2001], Логиката на правното расудување, Скопје, Аз-Буки, 2011 [The Logic of Legal Reasoning, Skopje, Az-Buki, 2011], and Основи на некласичните логики, Скопје, Аз-Буки, 2013, [Fundamentals of Non-Classical Logics, Skopje, Az-Buki, 2013], as well as numerous articles in domestic and foreign periodicals. She has published two poetry books – Соцветија, Скопје, Темплум, 1994 [Inflorescences, Skopje, Templum, 1994] and Пресадување на ружата, Скопје, Табернакул, 2017 [Replanting of the Rose, Skopje, Tabernakul, 2017] as well as one short story collection – Приватна збирка, Скопје, Табернакул, 2015 [Private Collection, Skopje, Tabernakul, 2015].