Lana Zdravković (Ljubljana, Slovenia) is researcher, publicist, political activist, producer and performer (not necessarily in that order). She has a PhD in philosophy with the thesis Politics of Emancipation: Thought-Practice of the Militant Subject, and a BA in comparative literature with the thesis Samuel Beckett as Innovator of Romanesque Form.
She nurtures synergies between theoretical, activist and artistic approach to research of: politics of emancipation, thought-practice of the militant subject, radical equality, political/engaged/critical art. She passionately deals with rethinking of: power of presentation and excess of representation, potential of subversive artwork, opening of spaces of equality as processes of redistribution of the sensible, scandal of the embodiment, identity and belonging.
She works at the Peace Institute – Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies where she develop various projects. Simultaneously, she has carried out numerous art projects, both solo and in tandem Kitch, and is a co-founder and director of The Kitch Institute. She collaborates with City of Women Association, is a part of technoburlesque collective Image Snatchers and is engaged in Via Negativa performances. In the past two years she has been part of the Identity of Europe course (, at the Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik.
Articles from her bibliography are published in scientific and professional journals, books, dailies, and web portals. Selection:
- Misliti revoluciju kao stvaranje univerzalnog – neetatističkog, nepredstavničkog, neidentitetnog – prostora politike “za sve” / Thinking the revolution as the creation of a universal – non-etatist, non-representative, non-identity – space of politics “for all”. Filozofska istraživanja. 2020, 40/1, pp. 151-166.
- Politizacija življenja : o pomenu revolucije danes / Politization of life : meaning of the revolution today. Časopis za kritiko znanosti. 2017, 45/269, pp. 191-204.
- What can we learn from the current ‘migrant crisis’?, Razor – wired: reflections on migration movements through Slovenia in 2015. Mirovni inštitut, 2016, pp. 86-95.
- Emancipatorni potencial gibanj v vstajah v Sloveniji 2012-2013 / Emancipatory potential of the uprisings in Slovenia 2012-2013. Družboslovne razprave. 2016, 32/82, pp. 51-71.
- The possibility of the impossible : emancipatory potential of the uprisings in Slovenia. Synthesis philosophica : international edition of the journal Filozofska istraživanja. 2015, 30/60, pp. 319-340.
- Meje identitete / Borders of identity. Razprave in gradivo : revija za narodnostna vprašanja. 2015, 74/1, pp. 41-59.