Milena Karapetrović is an Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Banja Luka (Bosnia-Herzegovina). Her interests include ontology, feminist philosophy, gender studies, poststructuralist theory, European studies, pragmatism, political philosophy. She is a single-author of books: 

● Filozofkinje. Ogledi iz feminističke filozofije i ontologije roda, 2020.  /Women Philosophers. Essays from Feminist Philosophy and Ontology of Gender/; 

● Filozofija u digitalno dobaOntološko razumijevanje (ljudskog) bića i svijeta, 2020. /Philosophy in a Digital Age. Ontological Understanding (Human) Being and World/;

● U lavirintima bića. Ontološka rasprava, 2014.  /In the Labyrinths of Beings: Ontological Discussion/:

● Čežnja za EvropomFilozofske osnove ideje Evrope i evropskog identiteta, 2010. /Longing for Europe. The Philosophical Foundation Of Europe and European Idea/ 

● Ona ima ime: o filozofiji i feminizmu, 2007. /She Has a Name. About Philosophy and Feminism/

Karapetrović was formerly Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Vice-Dean for Scientific Research and International Cooperation Faculty of Philosophy. Since 2020 she is the director of the Institute for Humanities and Social Science Faculty of Philosophy – Institute H.I.D.N. She participated in many seminars, training, conferences, and workshops in B-H and abroad.ć