Filozofkinje u jugoistočnoj Europi – prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost

Women Philosophers in South-Eastern Europe – Past, Present and Future


CIŽUF organizira konferenciju pod nazivom: Filozofkinje u jugoistočnoj Europi – prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost. Cilj je konferencije sakupiti i razmijeniti informacije o prošlim i trenutnim filozofkinjama u Jugoistočnoj Europi kao i o budućim perspektivama o ženama u filozofiji u ovoj regiji. Konferencija ima dvije premise. Prva je da dok se odvija istraživanje filozofkinja ostalog dijela Europe zadnjih desetljeća, ili barem postoji značajan rast u broju i kvaliteti znanstvenih radova o britanskim, francuskim, njemačkim, talijanskim itd. filozofkinjama, malo je znanstvenih informacija o filozofkinjama Jugoistočne Europe. Druga je da ima relativno malo doticaja ili međusobne suradnje između trenutno aktivnih filozofkinja Jugoistočne Europe kao i filozofa spola i povijesti filozofije regije koja uzima u obzir spol.

S ovim izazovima na umu u moguće teme konferencije spadale bi sljedeće:

  • prošla situacija s filozofkinjama u Vašoj zemlji:
    • koliko je bilo filozofkinja u prošlosti, njihov rad, aktivnosti itd.
    • određena filozofkinja uz prošlosti koja se nečim ističe
  • trenutna situacija s filozofkinjama u Vašoj zemlji:
    • kakva je trenutno opća situacija s profesionalnim (i amaterskim) filozofkinjama u Vašoj zemlji
    • kakva je situacija s rodnim studijama i feminističkim teorijama u Vašoj zemlji
  • Koja su očekivanja za budućnost, jesu li žene poticane za studiraju humanističke znanosti/filozofiju itd.? Kako izgleda tržište rada za filozofkinje u Vašoj zemlji?

Otvoreni smo različitim idejama i formatima. Glavna je ideja, međutim, susresti se (barem on-line) i razmijeniti znanje o situaciji filozofkinja u našim zemljama i međusobno se upoznati što bi nam pomoglo da ostvarimo daljnju suradnju.

Konferencija će se odvijati online preko Microsoft Teamsa.

Datum konferencije: 15. – 17. Prosinac 2020.

Trajanje izlaganja: 30 minuta + 30 minuta diskusije

Nema kotizacije. Postoje slobodna mjesta za prijavu – ako se zainteresirani za aktivno (ili pasivno) sudjelovanje, obavijestite nas preko sljedeće e-mail adrese:

The “Research Center for Women in Philosophy” – CIŽUF organizes a conference under the title: Women Philosophers in South-Eastern Europe – Past, Present and Future. The goal of the conference is to gather and exchange information on past and present women philosophers in South-Eastern Europe as well as future perspectives of women in philosophy in this region. There are two premises of the conference. The first is that while the research on women philosophers of the rest of Europe has been under way in the last few decades – or at least there is a significant growth in number and quality of scholarly texts on British, French, German, Italian etc. women philosophers –, there is little scholarly information on women philosophers of South-Eastern Europe. The second is that there is relatively little contact and mutual collaboration between presently active South-East European women philosophers as well as researchers on gender philosophy and gender-aware history of philosophy of the region.

With these challenges in mind, possible topics would include the following themes:

  • the situation with women philosophers in your country in the past:
    • how many women philosophers were there in the past, their works, activities etc.
    • one particular woman philosopher of the past who stands out;
  • the situation with women philosophers in your country now:
    • what is the overall situation with professional (and amateur) women philosophers in your country nowadays;
    • what is the situation with gender studies and feminist theories in your country;
  • what are the expectations for the future), are women promoted to study humanities/philosophy, etc.? how does the job market for women philosophers in your country look like?

We are open to different ideas and formats. The main idea, however, is to meet (at least, on-line) and exchange knowledge about the situation of women philosophers in our respective countries and get to know each other which might help us establish further collaborations.

The Conference will take place online, via Microsoft Teams platform.

Conference date: December 15 – 17, 2020.

Presentations time: 30 minutes followed by a 30-minute discussion.

There is no Conference fee.

There are still some presentation slots available – so if you are interested in an active (or passive) participation, let us know at the following email: